Since I have finally moved my lifestyle is changing drastically again. I like the drastic changes rather than subtle ones, because even if half the drastic changes I make fall to the wayside, half of it has stayed on course. I have missed several workouts with both Aaron and Jake due to sickness/laziness of Aaron and I, and then with the move that interfered with Tuesday. Eventually I will hit all 5 days with Jake and Aaron, I just know it.
OH, since it has been forever since I've posted on here. My workouts with Aaron are Mon/Wed/Fri. Jake is the normal Tues/Thurs. Here soon Jake and I will be running a bit more, I just need to pick the day to do it.
Anyway, lifestyle changes. Here are some things health wise that I will be changing:
More fruits and vegetables. I love bell peppers and green beans and celery. I think I am going to start making those prominent parts of meals. Sweet potatoes. They made a few top ten healthiest vegetables list on credible and not credible websites. I will need some ways to cook them, but like potatoes, I think i can just chop them up, cook them in a stir fry and serve without any real issues. More yogurt. Both flavored for a snack, and plain for smoothies (Plain is MUCH more healthier.
For weight loss, I am going to try and give up red meat for a while long while. I don't know how well that is going to work out really, but I am more concerned with fast food (burgers and tacos people. If I just cut out red meat altogether for a few weeks, I am sure that will show. More chicken and turkey and vegetables. This is my goal. I will warn anyone who's making bets on me to succeed, if I am offered a steak or some tasty ribs, I will succumb, after all, I am only human.
For a mental type of change, I am going to walk my dogs more. See, to me, walking my dogs, running around with them, is therapeutic and stress relieving. No fighting, no whining, no job, no car, just mother nature and my dogs who love me and love that I have so graciously allowed them to run around for just a couple of hours. That's a true joy that allows me to understand real happiness.
Continuing on that path of mental change, I am going to start studying for additional certifications and another language. Either Spanish or French, I haven't decided which yet. A few friends have encouraged me to learn French cause they know it.. but I have a Rosetta Stone on my desk at home for Spanish, and it would be quite useful here in Arizona. But time will tell I think. Maybe I'll learn both.
The certifications will be self-taught at work with this crazy cool thing we have available to us called And while I am here (at work) I can look up to see what my administrators are looking for. They give us all the information available to us, I just need to use it to my advantage.
I like to give quotes on my other blog, and here I am going to do something similar. I think I am going to post music I like to listen to while working out, websites I utilize to help me with my success in lifestyle change, and any tips/tricks given to me from elsewhere.
Here is the first few of many:
Fit2Fat2Fit- An INCREDIBLE story of a fit man going fat to help out overweight people.
Healthy food list.